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댓글 번호: 37380 - 새로운 댓글


비너스의 벨트가 뭔지 몰라서 찾아봤습니다.
위키피디아에 의하면...
"The Belt of Venus or Venus's Girdle is the Victorian-era name for the atmospheric phenomenon seen at sunrise and sunset. Shortly after sunset or shortly before sunrise, the observer is, or is very nearly, surrounded by a pinkish glow or antitwilight arch that extends roughly 10°–20° above the horizon. Often, the glow is separated from the horizon by a dark layer, the Earth's shadow or "dark segment". The arch's light rose (pink) color is due to backscattering of reddened light from the rising or setting Sun. A very similar effect can be seen during a total solar eclipse."
해뜨거나 질때, 그 반대쪽에서 빙 둘러 보이는 핑크색 빛인 것 같네요. 가끔 보는데 이제는 이름을 알게 되었네요.
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