관측기 & 관측제안 ~☆+

댓글 번호: 161068 - 새로운 댓글


 Splitting Antares. I first did this with my 4.25" scope in 1963. It only requires good seeing. Want to cheat? Use a UHC nebula filter, which suppresses the red light from the primary without dimming the secondary. Using a UHC filter, I was able to see it at 125X in my 8" SCT. The primary is reddish, and the secondary appears green.

클라우디나이트에 starman1이란 분의 기록인데 uhc필터쓰면 효과적이라합니다. 무엇보다 시잉이 중요한듯합니다.^^

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